Prep 3
On Thursday we were very fortunate to have taken part in an adventure day at Dovestones led by members of the Castleshaw team who kindly took us on a journey exploring nature, wildlife and the great outdoors. We started our day off map reading and finding certain points and areas within the reservoir and went off on an excursion through the forest where we built our own dens. This task involved a lot of team building and I must say Prep 3 were very successful with this particular skill. We then continued on our journey and had a few pit stops playing team building and cooperation games with other schools. Again they did Firwood proud! After lunch we made our own boats of reeds and raced them along the river. Prep 3 worked great as a team, showing their support and enthusiasm for their peers and loved being out in the fresh air and exploring nature; however me on the other hand I am very tired and sunburnt! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Miss Joubert