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About Us

A prep school that raises the bar

Your child will receive the highest quality of education at The Chadderton Preparatory Grammar and we are the envy of local primary schools as we set high standards for your child's academic abilities, their attitude towards learning and towards each other.

We are a prep school that recognises everyone’s individual talents and encourage our children to enjoy their education. Our teachers are positive and welcoming, to both parent and child, as we strongly believe in a constructive relationship between parents and the school.

We aspire to find the talent that lies within each child and nurture it. Due to this, we are fortunate to have an outstanding team of teachers and support staff who are skilled and passionate about teaching children, and give our pupils opportunities and experiences that few prep schools can offer.

We aim to challenge all of our children to reach their full potential academically, artistically, creatively, musically, and on the sports field, whilst building their confidence levels to give them leadership qualities. Children at The Chadderton Preparatory Grammar feel happy, secure and very much part of the family.



Ideal environment, settings and facilities

We are a purpose-built, modern prep school with state-of-the-art facilities set in extensive, attractive grounds.

With interactive whiteboards and dedicated classrooms for science, art, and ICT, our teachers are given all the tools necessary to ensure they deliver the best education possible. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered in a stimulating, challenging, positive, and enjoyable atmosphere.


Request a copy of our prospectus to learn more.